Sex outdoors. Have you ever done it by the pool? Yes I am asking you! Have you ever had sex outdoors? Or how about with a shemale outdoors? How about you come with me and we hit a nice pool for the day then wander inside.
Sun drenched, sweaty and also so hot. We can take each others cloths off slowly. You dropping my bikini top to lick my nipples. As I reach down and lower your shorts to free your stiffening cock. Now lower my bikini bottom and hold my heavy tranny cock in your hand. Can you see over my shoulder the people starting to watch us? How hot is it that we have an audience.
Also start stroking it slowly and kiss me deep and hard. Also remember to lean down and suck my nipples as well as slip a finger into my ass! Now I’m hot hard and ready to fuck!
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Another thing! Bring Lube!