Cock sucked and ass licked. Well guys I have to tell you that this set was one of my favorite to ever record. This guy was so hot for the cock that I could not believe he would not let me penetrate him. As you can see in the screen cap from the video. He tied my hands behind my back. Pushed me face down on the sofa and pulled my cock back so he could suck on it. Then after making me almost cum, she slid up and licked my ass hole so much that it was literally throbbing in time to my cock. I was dripping from my ass to the sofa and my cock was pouring out precum like a fountain. I was so hot.
The movie of Cock sucked and ass licked is even better than this screen cap and you will love watching it. Just click the image below or a text link here on this page for me. If you like, you can also click on the banner below.
Take note that even with my cock bent backwards he is using two hands to hold it. But the head of my cock was what he was working the most. He made it so sensitive I almost blew my load on multiple occasions.
Click now and join me to watch the amazing hot and sexy movie.