When a woman decides to wear something sexy its always best to let her know that you like what she is wearing. So in this set, of the photos. Angeles Cid found these boots and thought that they looked great with some of her lingerie. And of course it looked amazing. But then as she began stripping the lingerie off she realized by watching the camera guys cock. That the knee high boots were just as sex or even more so. She could tell because as she got naked, his cock got progressively harder.
Watching Angeles Cid strip down to her knee high boots is hot and your going to want to watch the videos of her as well. Do not forget that when a woman gets dressed up in lingerie or something sexy that you are supposed to compliment her. So make sure and posts some nice words below for Angeles to read. Also make sure to vote for this set in the private and exclusive members area.
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DO not miss out on all the hot lingerie sets that Angeles has in the members area. Your going to love watching her strip and play with her massive trans girl cock.