Huge cock Shemale Angeles Cid. Yes gentlemen I do actually have a huge cock.
I don’t know why its so big but I do love having it. Take a look at the photo below. I was enjoying this photo myself and realized that since I lost weight, my cock looks even bigger. So now you can refer to me as the Huge cock Shemale Angeles Cid. Also remember that I have a pair of really nice tits that are on the big side. As well as having soft lips for kissing and big round butt cheeks so when you slam my hole it does not hurt!
And have I mentioned that I love sex? Yes I actually do, like most trans girls. Sex keeps us going and makes us want more and more. I can not explain it but a cock in one of my holes only makes me hotter. Makes me need another cock and then another. Of course I do adore a man that will pay as much attention to my cock as I do to his.
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